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The Effectiveness of the Method of GI with Electronic Workbench Study to Improve Activities and Results Student



Effectiveness of Cooperative Learning Model Gi(Group Investigation)with EWB(Electronic Work bench)in increasing student activity and learning outcomes is research that aims to know the management of learning, student activities and student learning outcomes during the learning process takes place in class X TAV 1 in SMK Negeri 1 Lengkong. The results showed that the activity of students in each round encounter Improvement. Activities include learning students\u27 visual activities, writing activities, drawing activities, oral activities, bike activities and emotional activities. Averages of student activity that arise during the learning process is Visual Activities in the 1st round by 59.7% in the 2nd round by 76.9% and amounted to 87.6% 3. Writing Activities in rounds 1 53.7% in the 2nd round by 72.7% in the 3rd round of 86.1%. Drawing activities in round 1 of 0% in the 2nd round by 84.7% and amounted to 95.1% 3. Oral activities in the 1st round of 36.25% in the 2nd round 80.6% and amounted to 86.2% 3. Motor activitiesin the 1st round by 53.5% in the second round of 80.6% in the third round of 85.9%. Emotional activities in the 1st round by 66.7% in the 2nd round sebesar80,6 3% and amounted to 91.7%. Assessment of student learning outcomes in the study include tests of performance and portfolio assessment using Cooperative Learning GI(Group Investigation)With EWB(Electronic Work bench)proven effective in increasing student learning outcomes evidenced by the level of mastery learning students is increasing at each revolution is round 1sebesar 69.4% .In second round of 86.1% and by 94.4% to 3.
机译:合作学习模型Gi(小组调查)与EWB(电子工作台)在增加学生活动和学习成果方面的有效性是一项旨在了解在X班学习过程中学习管理,学生活动和学生学习结果的有效性的研究。 TSM 1在SMK Negeri 1 Lengkong。结果表明,每一轮学生的活动都得到了改善。活动包括学习学生的视觉活动,写作活动,绘画活动,口语活动,自行车活动和情感活动。在学习过程中出现的学生活动的平均值为:第一轮的视觉活动在第二轮中增加了59.7%,增幅为76.9%,达到了87.6%。3.第二轮的写作活动在第一轮中增加了53.7%,在第二轮中为72.7%。第三轮比赛为86.1%。第一轮的绘画活动在第二轮的0%中占84.7%,占95.1%3.第一轮的口头活动在第二轮中占36.25%,在第二轮中占80.6%,占86.2%3.第一轮中的汽车活动第二轮为53.5%,第三轮为80.6%,第三轮为85.9%。第一轮情绪活动在第二轮中增长了66.7%,在西伯利亚80,6 3%,达到了91.7%。在研究中对学生学习成果的评估包括使用合作学习GI(小组调查)和EWB(电子工作台)进行的绩效测试和作品集评估,事实证明,这种学习可以有效地提高学生的学习成果,这一点可以通过每一次革命来掌握学生的掌握程度来证明是第一轮sebesar的69.4%,第二轮的86.1%和94.4%到3。



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